Richard's Project Blog

In this blog you will be reading about my final year computer science project at university. Feel free to make any comments and suggest any ideas!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

The Vacuum's talking to me...

Maybe all that mobile phone exposure is bad for you, and, thanks to Ade pointing it out, strapping a bluetooth enabled mobile phone to a babies head is probably not the best thing for human rights - at the end of the day the baby has no choice in the matter, plus I haven't got the resources to fight greenpeace - but I don't think that idea (RE: Bluetooth Babies) is that "dead."

No wacky ideas today then Rich? No, other than my parent's vacuum is talking to me - both my Mum and Dad both agreed it sounded like it! Damn Saga FM - way too much talking! I suppose there's not much you can monitor about a vacuum, other than saying "I'm way too full" but thats what the funny smell means - or if your really posh, like me, you can get a vacuum that has "no bags, and cyclones" plus a handy see-through plastic bit where you can "monitor" its level of fullness!

Anyway, and too the point Sentinel, its a word I've come across before in the realm of safety, security and more recently monitoring and I've never known what it meant. The first point of call, unwisely, was the urban dictionary quote:

1. The robotic, Mutant hunting villians from Marvel's legendary X-Men universe
"The Sentinels were created by Dr. Bolivar Trask to capture and destroy all mutants ..."

More wisely came;

sen·ti·neled, or sen·ti·nelled sen·ti·nel·ing, or sen·ti·nel·ling sen·ti·nels or sen·ti·nels

1. To watch over as a guard.
2. To provide with a guard.
3. To post as a guard.

[French sentinelle, from Italian sentinella, probably from Old Italian sentina, vigilance, from sentire, to watch, from Latin sentre, to feel. See sent- in Indo-European Roots.]

I don't really know which definition is accurate for its relation to "server monitoring", although both can be adapted. Perhaps a good name for my project, or an even better name for the vacuum? I'll suppose I'll have a think about it!


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