Richard's Project Blog

In this blog you will be reading about my final year computer science project at university. Feel free to make any comments and suggest any ideas!

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I've had an idea

Today has been really productive! Not only did I score the winning goal in Football, I found out how a server had been hacked (by myself), I managed to save my girlfriends data off her "less than healthy" hard disk, I've started my handover for when I leave my placement in September, I had the forms come through for the part time job I going to undertake when I'm back at uni, all my books have finally come from Amazon and I have come up with an idea for my project. Though if I am to be honest, it has come from the culmination of research and reading over the last couple of days.

My idea; it came from some metrics my team had published last week. They used a couple of pieces of software, one in particular - ntop provoked alot of thought. It seems quite simple all traffic that hits our router not only gets sent to the destination host, it also is pushed to the ntop server. The product will then give you live metrics, aswell as relevant stats and figures regarding network usage. I'm not so sure whether a utility such as tcpdump is used for this, but it gave me this idea.

I could make the infrastructure for a system to monitor network usage, and come to a conclusion and priortise the servers for disaster recovery (depending on several factors - such as dependancies, usage of the server etc...) Maybe another "famous" crackpot idea? but i could use a virtual server environment to test this? I'll put it to the massess ...


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